إرشادات مقترحات البحث معلومات خط الزمن الفهارس الخرائط الصور الوثائق الأقسام

مقاتل من الصحراء


مجموعة مختارة من الوثائق القانونية والتاريخية والجغرافية التي قدمت لمحكمة التحكيم لتأييد وجهة النظر المصرية  
(تابع) المرفق رقم (12) صفحات 50، 51، 52 ، 53 من يوميات ويد في تقرير تعليم الحدود التركية المصرية 1906  
"وزارة الخارجية المصرية، الكتاب الأبيض عن قضية طابا، القاهرة، 1989، ص 201 - 206"

          On the morning of Oct., 14 we struck the line A. 8- A. 7. and moving  rapidly along it without incident arrived with complete precision at  A. 7. just at sunset. The caravan had taken the more westerly route  by the Ghaza road camping at Thamelet el Swelma and here, after a  short search in the dark, we found it, and stopped for the night.

Next morning we separated again, the caravan to go by Ghaza road to  the Mufraq and we along the boundary to Gebel Um Quf and thence to  Gebel Bir Said and Ras Radadi near the Mufraq. On that day we laid  out 40 kilometres of boundary without incident. When we had gone  10 or 15 kilometres we sighted Gebel Um Quf so that we ceased to  travel by compass, but steered straight for our objective Bivouacking  under the slopes of Um Quf we made the summit early next morning  and the remainder of the operations as far as Thamelet el Radadi call for  one comment; the summits to be beaconed were within easy distance of  one another and visible throughout so that the selection of intervening points in the plain required practically no technical help.

          We found the caravan at the Mufraq and next morning started on the  operations between Thamelet el Radadi and the sea These are of quite a  different character from the preceding and the text of the treaty must be carefully studied to appreciate them but they presented no difficulty  By the afternoon there was nothing left to do but to place the beacons  on the eastern margin of Wadi Taka. The technical part of my work  was finished, as the treaty describes the position of these beacons in  such a way that trained assistance was unnecessary. A delay here  occurred for a whole day as by an oversight the Turkish depot at the  Mufraq had not yet received orders to vacate that station, which was  now in Egyptian territory. Next morning they had left and we  descended into Wadi Taba. I accompanied the Commissioners and  assisted them generally, but as explained no technical assistance or  instrumental work was required. Just at sunset the last point was  placed on Ras Taba and we boarded H. H. S. "Nur el Bahr" which was awaiting us in the Gulf .
