الصفحة الأولى الصفحة السابقة الصفحة التالية الصفحة الأخيرة    

كنعان قبل قيام إسرائيل
فلسطين في عهد الملوك
سوريا في عهد الأشوريين
سوريا في العصر اليوناني
سوريا في العصر البيزنطي
سوريا في العصر الإسلامي
التقسيمات العثمانية في سوريا
الموستوطنات في فلسطين
اتفاقية سايكس / بيكو
الحدود في مؤتمر الصلح
حدود فلسطين تحت الانتداب
مشروع لجنة بيل
تقسيم فلسطين
تقسيم فلسطين الأمم المتحدة
مسرح عمليات فلسطين
تعبئة مسرح العمليات
أهداف القوات العربية
اتجاهات تقدم الجيوش العربية
محصلة الجولة الأولى
طريق تل أبيب - القدس
العملية تخشون
العملية يبوس
العملية مكابي
معركة مشمار هاعميك
العملية مسباريم
العملية شاميتز
العملية يفتاح
العملية يفتاح (2)
العملية بن عامي
العملية بن عامي (2)
الاستيلاء على عتصيون
أوضاع الألوية الإسرائيلية
معارك المالكية
معركة وادي الأردن
معركة مشمار هايردن
معركة جيشر
معركة جنين
دخول الفيلق الأردني القدس
معركة القدس
معركة اللطرون
معركة اللطرون (2)
القوات المصرية في فلسطين
معركة يدمردخاي
معركة أسدود
معركة نيتسانيم
القوات المصرية في الأولى
الموقف في الفترة الأولى
العملية "باروش"
العملية "ديكيل"
العملية "داني"
القتال المصري الإسرائيلي
معركة "نجبا"
معركة "جلؤون"
معركة "بئروت بتسحاق"
العملية "مافيت لابوليش"
الموقف في عراق سويدان
معركة "العسلوج"
أوضاع المحور العرضي
العملية "يؤاف"
العملية "يؤاف" (2)
العملية "هاهآر"
العملية "حيرام"
القتال في الفالوجا
العملية أساف
العملية حوريف
القتال في المحور الشرقي
العملية "عوفدا"

         7. During the time that the Second World War was raging the respec tive Governments of the Arab States began to co-ordinate their views and actions for the useful purpose of better securing co-operation regarding not only their present and future but for playing their part in the establishment of lasting world-wide peace. The problem of Palestine did not at any time during their mutual consultations fail to absorb its due share of attention and interest. It was a result of those consultations that then emerged thc present Arab League as instrument for the realization of their own peace, security and welfare. The Arab League Charter declared that Palestine had become an independent country since its separation from the Ottoman Empire, but that all the appertain- img external rights and privileges attendant upon formal independence had to be subdued temporarily for reasons beyond the will of its people.
It was a happy coincidence which gave rise to the hopes of the Arab States then that at that time the United Nations was brought to existence soon after. And accordingly the Arab States unhesitatingly participated in its creation and membership out of deep belief in that institution, its ideals, and high aims.

         8. Since then the Arab League, through its member States, unceasing ly endeavoured by all its means, whether with the Mandatory or with the United Nations, to find a fair and just solution for the problem of Palestine, based on democratic principles and consistent with the provisions of the League of Nations Covenant as well as of the United Nations Charter, a solution which would be lasting and would ensure peace and security in the land leading to prosperity, but such solution invariably conflicted with opposition from Zionists and with their demands as they then started to openly declare their insistence upon a Jewish State and in fact bent upon full preparations with arms and fortifications to impose their own solution by force.

         9. When the General Assembly made its recommendations on 29 November 1947 for the solution of the Palestine problem on the basis of partition providing for the establishment of two States, one Arab and one Jewish, with an international regime of trusteeship for the City of Jerusalem, the Arab States expressed the warning that such a solution was prejudicial to the rights of the Arab inhabitants of Palestine to independence and was contradictory to democratic principles and to the League of Nations as well as the United Nations Charter. The Arabs then rejected such a scheme declaring that it was not susceptible of execution by peaceful means and that its imposition by force constituted a threat to peace and security in this area.

         The apprehensions of the Arab States proved to be well founded as the disturbances of which they had warned soon swept the country, and armed conflict took place between its two peoples who started to combat against each other and shed each other's blood. Consequently, the United Nations realized the mistake upon which the recommendation of partition was made and turned to search for an outlet.

الصفحة الأولى الصفحة السابقة الصفحة التالية الصفحة الأخيرة