الصفحة الأولى الصفحة السابقة الصفحة التالية الصفحة الأخيرة    

كنعان قبل قيام إسرائيل
فلسطين في عهد الملوك
سوريا في عهد الأشوريين
سوريا في العصر اليوناني
سوريا في العصر البيزنطي
سوريا في العصر الإسلامي
التقسيمات العثمانية في سوريا
الموستوطنات في فلسطين
اتفاقية سايكس / بيكو
الحدود في مؤتمر الصلح
حدود فلسطين تحت الانتداب
مشروع لجنة بيل
تقسيم فلسطين
تقسيم فلسطين الأمم المتحدة
مسرح عمليات فلسطين
تعبئة مسرح العمليات
أهداف القوات العربية
اتجاهات تقدم الجيوش العربية
محصلة الجولة الأولى
طريق تل أبيب - القدس
العملية تخشون
العملية يبوس
العملية مكابي
معركة مشمار هاعميك
العملية مسباريم
العملية شاميتز
العملية يفتاح
العملية يفتاح (2)
العملية بن عامي
العملية بن عامي (2)
الاستيلاء على عتصيون
أوضاع الألوية الإسرائيلية
معارك المالكية
معركة وادي الأردن
معركة مشمار هايردن
معركة جيشر
معركة جنين
دخول الفيلق الأردني القدس
معركة القدس
معركة اللطرون
معركة اللطرون (2)
القوات المصرية في فلسطين
معركة يدمردخاي
معركة أسدود
معركة نيتسانيم
القوات المصرية في الأولى
الموقف في الفترة الأولى
العملية "باروش"
العملية "ديكيل"
العملية "داني"
القتال المصري الإسرائيلي
معركة "نجبا"
معركة "جلؤون"
معركة "بئروت بتسحاق"
العملية "مافيت لابوليش"
الموقف في عراق سويدان
معركة "العسلوج"
أوضاع المحور العرضي
العملية "يؤاف"
العملية "يؤاف" (2)
العملية "هاهآر"
العملية "حيرام"
القتال في الفالوجا
العملية أساف
العملية حوريف
القتال في المحور الشرقي
العملية "عوفدا"

         10.Now that the Mandate over Palestine has come to an end, leaving no legally constituted authority behind in order to administer law and order in the country and afford the necessary and adequate protection to life and property, the Arab States declare as follows:

         (a) The right to set up a Government in Palestine pertains to its inhabitants under the principles of self-determination recognized by the Covenant of the League of Nations as well as the United Nations Cliartcr;

         (b) Peace and order have been completely upset in Palestine, and, in consequence of Jewish aggression, approximately over a quarter of a million of the Arab population have been compelled to leave their homes and emigrate to neighbouring Arab countries. The prevailing events in Palestine exposed the concealed aggressive intentions of the Zionists and their imperialistic motives, as clearly shown in their acts committed upon those peaceful Arabs and villagers of Deer Yasheen, Tiberias, and other places, as well as by their encroachment upon the building and bodies of the inviolable consular codes, manifested by their attack upon the Consulate in Jerusalem.

         (c) The Mandatory has already announced that on the termination of the Mandate it will no longer be responsible for the maintenance of lawand order in Palestine except in the camps and areas actually occupied by its forces, and only to the extent necessary for the security of those forces and their withdrawal. This leaves Palestine absolutely without any administrative authority entitled to maintain, and capable of maintaining, a machinery of administration of the country adequate for the purpose of ensuring due protection of life and property. There is further the threat that this lawlessness may spread to the neighbouring Arab States where feeling is already very tense on account of the prevailing conditions in Palestine. The respective members of the Arab League, and as Members of the United Nations at the same time, feel gravely perturbed and deeply concerned over this situation.

         (d) It was the sincere wish of the Arab States that the United Nations might succeed in arriving at a fair and just solution of the Palestine problem, thus establishing a lasting peace for the country under the precepts of the democratic principles and in conformity with the Covenant of the League of Nations and the United Nations Charter.

         (e) They are responsible in any. . . by virtue of their responsibility as members of the Arab League which is a regional organization within the meaning of Chapter VIII of the Charter of the United Nations. The recent disturbances in Palestine further constitute a serious and direct threat to peace and security within the territories of the Arab States themselves. For these reasons, and considering that the security of Palestine is a sacred trust for them, and out of anxiousness to check the further deterioration of the prevailing conditions and to prevent the spread of disorder and lawlessness into the neighbouring Arab lands, and in order to fill the vacuum created by the termination of the Mandate and the failure to replace it by any legally constituted authority, the Arab Governments find themselves compelled to intervene for the sole purpose of restoring peace and security and establishing law and order in Palestine.

الصفحة الأولى الصفحة السابقة الصفحة التالية الصفحة الأخيرة